ControlByWeb X-320M Documentation

Note: The documentation always refers to the latest version of the plugin

Plugin Connectors

The units of measurement is set in hardware so the below list can’t tell you what units being used.

Connector Type Description
Relay 1 ON input, trigger Turn Output 1 ON
Relay 1 OFF input, trigger Turn Output 1 OFF
Relay 1 PULSE input, trigger Pulse Output 1.  The output will turn ON for the Pulse Duration specified in the admin interface of your X-320M. Default value is 1.5 seconds but admin pages let you change this at will.
Relay 2 ON input, trigger Turn Output 2 ON
Relay 2 OFF input, trigger Turn Output 2 OFF
Relay 2 PULSE input, trigger Pulse Output 2. The output will turn ON for the Pulse Duration specified in the admin interface of your X-320M. Default value is 1.5 seconds but admin pages let you change this at will.
Wind Speed output, string Current wind speed
Wind Direction output, string Current wind direction
Rain Total output, string Current total rainfall
Temperature output, string Current temperature measurement (is sensor is attached)
Humidity output, string Current relative humidity measurement (if sensor is attached)
Solar Radiation output, string Current solar radiation value
Bar pressure output, string Current barometric pressure
AUX1 output, string Current value measured by an auxiliary sensor 1
AUX2 output, string Current value measured by an auxiliary sensor 2
Rain 1h output, string Total rainfall for the past 1 hour
Rain today output, string Total rainfall since midnight
Rain 7days output, string  Total rainfall since last week
Rain Alarm output, string Current state of the sensor alarms
Temp HI output, string Indicates today’s current high temperature
Temp LO output, string Indicates today’s current low temperature
Temp HI (yesterday) output, string Indicates yesterday’s high temperature
Temp LO (yesterday) output, string Indicates yesterday’s low temperature
Heat Index output, string Indicates the calculated heat index value
Wind Chill output, string Indicates the calculated wind chill value
Dew Point output, string Indicates the calculated dew point
Temperature Alarm output, string Current state of the temperature alarm
Humidity HI output, string Indicates today’s highest humidity reading
Humidity LO output, string Indicates today’s lowest humidity reading
Humidity HI (yesterday) output, string Indicates yesterday’s highest humidity reading
Humidity LO (yesterday) output, string Indicates yesterday’s lowest humidity reading
Humidity Alarm output, string Current state of the humidity alarm
Pressure 1 hour prior output, string Indicates the measured barometric pressure last hour
Pressure 24 hours prior output, string Indicates the measured barometric pressure twenty-four hours prior
Pressure Alarm output, string Current state of the barometric pressure alarm
Wind Gust output, string Indicates the most recent wind gust speed
Wind Gust Direction output, string Indicates the most recent wind gust direction
Wind Alarm output, string Current state of the wind speed alarm

Plugin Settings

Setting Valuetype Description
IP nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn IP/address of the X-320M unit
Username text Username. Leave blank if username and password is not set in hardware.
Password text Password. Leave blank if username and password is not set in hardware.
PollingDelay nn Delay, in milliseconds, between each polling for data. Default value is 30000 (30 seconds) since weather doesn’t change that fast anyway.
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