Worx Landroid Documentation
Note: The documentation always refers to the latest version of the plugin

The Worx Landroid plugin has an internal clock that polls the lawn mower to fetch the latest info/statuses available.
Note #1: The plugin only sends a trigger if there is a change in status since last check.
Note #2: If the PollingDelay is set to a high value some statuses may be missed; ie jumping from a Charging complete status to Start status. Recomended settings for PollingDelay is 30 seconds (30000ms).
Plugin Connectors
Connector | Type | Description |
Start mowing | input, trigger | Start mowing the grass |
Return home | input, trigger | Return to charger station. This will also force the Landroid to cut along the border line when returning to base. |
Battery remaining | output, string | Percentage battery left. |
In base | output, trigger | The Landroid has returned to its base. |
Start | output, trigger | The Landroid has started to cut the grass. |
Stop | output, trigger | The Landroid has stopped cutting the grass. |
Charging complete | output, trigger | Charging of the battery has reached 100% |
Manual stop | output, trigger | Stop-button on the Landroid has been pressed. |
Going home | output, trigger | The Landroid is going home. |
Landroid Error | output, string | Landroid is reporting an error. |
Error | output, trigger | Plugin is reporting an error. |
Plugin Settings
Setting | Valuetype | Description |
IP | n.n.n.n | IP adress to the Landroid |
Pin code | 0000…9999 | Your 4 digit pin code to access the Landroid |
PollingDelay | 1…n | Delay, in milliseconds, between each check for updated data against the Landroid. Default value is 30000 (=30 seconds). |