DataSave Documentation

Note: The documentation always refers to the latest version of the plugin
If the “Data, text” input is used, the DataSave either adds data to a file or creates a new file with the data. This is dependent upon whether the file with the generated file name exists or not. The file name and the data format can be altered using keywords inside brackets:

[date] A date in the format of year-month-day, ie “2016-04-26”.
[time] Time in 24 hours format, ie “21:03”.
[random] A random generated hash/guid, ie “c2fefc7805154ac3bbde4e8479aa9fcd” .
[counter] A counter increasing by 1 each time new data is received. Note: The counter resets when the project (re)starts, so be carefull when restarting a project not to get your files appended with new data.
[data] The data received by the Data input connector.
[newline] Inserts a newline character. This is nice to have if you are saving data in a logging fashion, appending data to the same file.

Examples, filenames

If you intend to create a log-like functionality, you need to append data each time it arrives and maybe make sure there is a new file created for each day. This file name format would produce the desired result:


creates files with file names in the style of


However the following example will produce a new file for each data that arrives:


creates files with file names in the style of


The same phenomenon will occur when using the [random] keyword.

Examples, data format

Note: data format only applies to data from the “Data, text” input

Data format for a log could be:

[date] [time]: [data][newline]

producing content like this:

2016-08-21 18:47: An error message
2016-08-21 19:08: Another error message
2016-08-21 19:10: Yet another error message

At times you just want to save the data as-is. Just use the keyword [data] and it will do only that:


producing content like this:

This is the data saved, just as it was received by the Data input connector


Plugin Connectors

Connector Type Description
Data, text input, string Data that is to be saved in a text format.
Data, binary input, base64-encoded string Data that is to be saved in a binary format. The expected input format is a base64 encoded string, otherwise the plugin will trigger an Error.
Filename output, string The (generated) filename of the file with the saved data
Error output, string If the plugin encounters an error, the error message is sent through this output connector.

Plugin Settings

Setting Valuetype Description
File path text Path where the files will be stored. See above explanation of valid keywords.
File name text File name of the file to save data into. See above explanation of valid keywords.
Data format text The data format for each data received. This will be added to a new or existing file. See above explanation of valid keywords.This only applies when the data is text.
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