OpenWeatherMap Documentation

Note: The documentation always refers to the latest version of the plugin.

Note: you need to obtain a API-key to be able to use data from The key is free to obtain and use, but be sure not to set the polling interval of the plugin to a low value. After all, the weather doesn’t change much from one minute to another. Get your API-key here:

Plugin Connectors

Connector Type Description
Get values input, trigger Forces the plugin to get fresh values and send them on all outputs, changed or not. This does not interupt the polling.
Temperature  output, string Temperature in Kelvin, Celsius or Fahrenheit (se Settings below for how to change measurement system)
Pressure output, string Atmospheric pressure, hPa
Humidity output, string Humidity, %
Wind speed output, string Wind speed measured in m/s or miles/hour
Wind degree output, string Wind direction, degrees (meteorological)
Cloudiness output, string Cloudiness, %
Rain 3h output, string Rain volume for last 3 hours, mm
Snow 3h output, string Snow volume for last 3 hours, mm
Error output, string The plugin encountered an error

Plugin Settings

Setting Valuetype Description
API Key n Your personal API Key to access data from
Location text The city of your choice. Add a comma and a country code to avoid mixup, ie ‘London,uk’
Units Standard/Metric/Imperial The type of units for the return values. Possible values are Standard (Kelvin), Metric (Celsius) and Imperial (Fahrenheit).
PollingDelay n Delay, in milliseconds, between each check for updated data against
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