OpenWeatherMap Documentation
Note: The documentation always refers to the latest version of the plugin.
Note: you need to obtain a API-key to be able to use data from The key is free to obtain and use, but be sure not to set the polling interval of the plugin to a low value. After all, the weather doesn’t change much from one minute to another. Get your API-key here:
Plugin Connectors
Connector | Type | Description |
Get values | input, trigger | Forces the plugin to get fresh values and send them on all outputs, changed or not. This does not interupt the polling. |
Temperature | output, string | Temperature in Kelvin, Celsius or Fahrenheit (se Settings below for how to change measurement system) |
Pressure | output, string | Atmospheric pressure, hPa |
Humidity | output, string | Humidity, % |
Wind speed | output, string | Wind speed measured in m/s or miles/hour |
Wind degree | output, string | Wind direction, degrees (meteorological) |
Cloudiness | output, string | Cloudiness, % |
Rain 3h | output, string | Rain volume for last 3 hours, mm |
Snow 3h | output, string | Snow volume for last 3 hours, mm |
Error | output, string | The plugin encountered an error |
Plugin Settings
Setting | Valuetype | Description |
API Key | n | Your personal API Key to access data from |
Location | text | The city of your choice. Add a comma and a country code to avoid mixup, ie ‘London,uk’ |
Units | Standard/Metric/Imperial | The type of units for the return values. Possible values are Standard (Kelvin), Metric (Celsius) and Imperial (Fahrenheit). |
PollingDelay | n | Delay, in milliseconds, between each check for updated data against |